Breast Clinic

Studies suggest that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifespan. Diagnosing the condition early helps to save a life. The Breast Clinic focuses on spreading proper awareness of breast cancer. Breast cancer awareness not just relies on breast self-examination. It also aims at improving women’s know-how about their normal state of breasts. We have advanced facilities for comfortable screening and treatments. We also offer counselling sessions to support women with breast cancer and cancer symptoms. We look forward to helping them in confidently facing the different stages of cancer and the treatments, including surgery.

At our breast clinic patients receive personalized care in a supportive environment with the most effective options for diagnosis. Comprehensive check up including mammography, tumour markers, all types of genetic testing (eg: BRCAchek), as well as consultations of surgeon, gynaecologist and physician, are provided at the clinic.

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